Webon allows embedding of images into your pages and it also has a pre-made Photo Album tool. To place images directly into your pages you drag the "Image icon" from your toolbar to someplace in the page where you want to place the image. Images can be placed: aligned-left, centered, or aligned-right. You can tell which one you are choosing by the black "Target Box" that will appear when you drag…either to the left, as a centered bar, or over to the right.

 Image placed "Aligned-Left"

 Image placed "Align-Center"

Image placed "Align-Right"  

When Images are placed "Aligmedia.webon.lycos.com/87923/179218.jpgn-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image. When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.

When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.When Images are placed "Align-Left" or "Align-Right" inside a block of text that text will "flow" around and below the image.

Webon also has a pre-made photo album. You can allow commenting on pictures or not, it's up to you.

